Tag Archives: marzipan


7 Dec

I’ve been making mental lists for the last month and inevitibly I’m dreading ending up in a panic. I’m not saying that the lists I’ve made are mental in a ridiculous way just that I’ve been storing up my “Things To Do” in my head which has never really worked for me, and I should know better. But it’s that time of year, loads to do and… I’m on it!

Take last Thursday for exmple…hideously cold  and suffering a bit from cabin fever  (snowed in for three days – not that I minded much, the cat was great company) I braved the leather seats of the jeep to drive Mr G to the station before heading to the supermarket to buy some much needed supplies,  as it was deadline day for marzipaning my batch of Christmas cakes. After a wee chat with the cashier (do I  look like a computer geek who knows anything about fixing hard drives? I think not)  and a quick stop off at Lewisham market   I headed home to the warmth of the house, my furry friend and my rich fruity Christmas Cakes

Marzipan made and cakes ready to cover, it was THEN that I reaslised that I had forgotten to buy apricot jam – the essential marzipan-sticking glue. As my toes had just thawed, nothing would have made me head back out  and I could not get over my  failing brain for allowing me to forget a vital ingredient …Think Marzipan…Think Apricot jam, that famous saying goes, ahem! Neeless to say I pathetically called  my darling husband who duely brought home two jars of the nectare jelly . That’s what husbands are for, right? Catastrophe averted!

Christmas presents are also confined to the mental list which fall  into two categories so far 1) who’s been nice enough to me this year to receive a gift and 2) what gifts to give said recipients. As my gifts are all home made and edible I find myself comparing people’s personalities to the qualities of my products eg my friend Tam: Tall, blonde, very funny and with a wide and varied circle of friends  – screams Milli Vannilli Cup Cake to me, with it’s golden sponge and vanilla buttercream and coloured sugar sprinkles scattered over the top, perfect.

My brother Richie is definitely Merry Chocolate Orange cup cake, not least because the authentic Terry’s Chocolate Orange was just about his most favourite Christmas treat and successfully persuaded our parents to swap the obligatory satsuma in the bottom of our Christmas stockings for a Terry’s Chocolate Orange – That was a result!

There’s also the added extra things to remember to do that come with the adverse weather and the 500 mile drive to Scotland for the Christmas break, the car will need a thorough check; supplies and blankets to orgnaise and a good idea of which route to take to avoid any dodgy weather. It’ll all be worth it when we get there and my mental lists can all be ticked off! New Years resolution will of course be to write my mental meanderings down.